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In the following, “DCPSE” and “the Corpus” refer to “The Diachronic Corpus of Present Day Spoken English”, and “the Software” refers to the "International Corpus of English Corpus Utility Programme", whole or part. The Licensee is the purchaser of the Corpus and Software, and agrees to abide by this license agreement. By completing the order, the Licensee is agreeing to the terms of this license. “The User” refers to every individual granted access to the Corpus and Software by the terms of the particular license purchased.

General terms and conditions

The Corpus and Software must be used for non-profit educational or non-profit research purposes only. The license cannot be transferred, lent, or re-sold.

The Corpus and Software may be fully installed onto the User's computer, by copying the relevant files from the supplied package onto the computer's hard disk, providing that this does not infringe copyright and the terms of the license. The User is not entitled to make copies of the Corpus or Software on other computers in breach of the license, nor to allow unlicensed users to have access to the Corpus and Software on the User's computer. The Corpus and Software are supplied "as-is" with no express guarantee as to its suitability.

Copyright in all DCPSE Texts is retained by the original copyright holders. The Licensee agrees not to reproduce or redistribute the DCPSE Texts or to use all or any part of the DCPSE Texts in any commercial product or service.

Copyright in ICECUP belongs to the Survey of English Usage. No part of ICECUP may be used in any commercial product or service.

No part of the Corpus may be distributed to a third party. A copy of the Corpus may be made for backup purposes.

Publications based on the DCPSE Corpus may include citations from DCPSE Texts only in a way which would be permitted under the fair dealings provision of copyright law.

All publications based on the DCPSE Corpus must give credit to the DCPSE Corpus and to the Survey of English Usage, University College London.

The Licensee agrees to cooperate in any future enquiries made by the Survey of English Usage concerning the use of the Corpus.

Licencing terms

There are three types of license, as outlined below.

Individual License (including Student License)
The licensee in the following definition is an individual user. The Licensee is allowed to make one copy of the Corpus and Software on one computer. The license entitles the Licensee to make personal use of the Corpus and Software.

The general terms and conditions apply.

Note: In order to qualify for a student license, you will be asked to supply a letter from your Head of Department showing full time student status.

Institutional (single-copy) License
The Licensee in the following definition is an educational institution, college, or department within a college. The Licensee is allowed to make one copy of the Corpus and Software on one computer within the institution. The license entitles all members of the institution to make use of the Corpus and Software on that computer. It is the responsibility of the Licensee to ensure that users of the Corpus understand the conditions imposed by this License. Note that this license does not entitle the Licensee to make the Corpus and Software available over a network to other users within the institution.

The general terms and conditions apply.

Institutional (multiple-copy) Network License
The Licensee in the following definition is an educational institution, college, or department within a college. The Licensee is allowed to make any number of copies of the Corpus and Software on computers within the institution. The license entitles all staff and students of the institution to make use of the Corpus and Software on these computers. The Licensee can also install the Corpus and Software on a network, providing that it cannot be accessed from outside the institution. The license does not entitle the Licensee to include the Corpus and Software in a public-access internet site.

The general terms and conditions apply.

DCPSE License v2.0 (C) Survey of English Usage 2018

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